On Monday we finished our third and final Alien in-line skating session. We learned about putting on safety gear, getting up with rollerblades on, braking and other skating moves. Our coach Josh was really friendly and helpful. We hope to do this again next year!
3SB, what was your favourite part of in-line skating?
In December our class started a Holiday Card Exchange. First we made cards on our Chromebooks using Loupe Collage. Loupe Collage makes a big picture with little images. For example, some of us made candy cane using little images of scarves, mittens and toques. Then we had a lot of snow days so they had to be finished quickly and sent all over North America. Then we got a few cards in the mail before Christmas holidays. They were all from different parts of the United States. Afterwards we opened them and pinned them on our board. It has a map to show where the cards came from. After the holidays we got a lot of cards in the mail. It was exciting when we opened the cards and read about temperatures, different kinds of schools, how many boys and girls in classrooms, interesting facts about their schools, the teachers' names, and about their communities! Now we are looking on Google Maps to find their locations and interesting places. This is a great way to learn about different countries and communities in Social Studies!
To help us remember all the parts of the human ear, we've been practicing a song. Click on the video below to hear us practicing.
3SB acted out the parts of a human ear last week. Students, can you explain the parts of the ear and what they do?
What do you know about soundwaves?
3SB has been busy doing a web quest about Bermuda on the Chromebooks. Our student teacher, Mrs. Nisbett is from Bermuda and we were excited to learn all about this interesting country. We also got to practice our online research skills.
Students, what did you learn about Bermuda?
We are so excited to be part of the districts pilot project for 1 to 1 Chromebooks.
We have all gotten used to logging on and are getting much more comfortable with Google Apps for Education. Please stop back to see what projects we use our Chromebooks for.
Students please write in the comments your favorite use for the Chromebooks so far.
In 3SB we have been learning about how to describe rocks. We have discussed rock colour, texture (how it feels), luster (how shiny it is - or how much light it reflects) and hardness. To check the hardness of a rock, we tested to see if we could scratch it with our fingernails, a penny or a metal nail. Can you describe a rock that you have?
Last week we made earths out of clay. We rolled an orange ball out of clay and wrapped our layers around it. The inside orange layer is the inner core. It is solid. The red layer is the outer core. It is made up of rocks and minerals and is so hot that it is liquid. The thickest layer is the mantle and it's yellow. We haven't drilled down to the mantle yet! The thinnest layer is called the crust, which we live on! Which layer is your favourite layer and why?