Why Do We Learn On-Line
For this genteration of students the internet is an integral part of our learning and
sharing. With the use of technology and the internet we can better understand how
small the world really is, and how much we are alike and different from others. Technology will allow us to learn along side of children in our school, school district, and the world. We would like to take the time to explain why and how we connect. Please note we also do a lot of learning without technology and the internet. Having our blog allows us the opportunity to share with all of you and to make connections with a variety of learners all over the world.
Class Blog
Our class blog highlights some of our learning for the world to see. It can easily be shared with friends and family members both near and far. In addition to sharing our learning it allows us to connect with other classes through their blogs. We are able to read and learn from them while they read and learn from us. We visit their blogs regularly, learn along side of them, and leave them comments. We hope that you will leave us
comments too.
Individual Student Blogs
Our individual student blogs are part of our digital portfolios. We are sharing our writing and other artifacts with a global audience. Mrs. Sahlin and Miss Badall approve everything that goes on our individual blogs but they doesn't correct our writing so that we have a record of our improvements over the course of the year. We also have blogging guidelines that we follow to help keep us safe on line. We hope you will check out our individual blogs and leave us comments. We love comments!
Other on-line tools we might be trying this year are a class twitter account, video conferencing, and global projects.
sharing. With the use of technology and the internet we can better understand how
small the world really is, and how much we are alike and different from others. Technology will allow us to learn along side of children in our school, school district, and the world. We would like to take the time to explain why and how we connect. Please note we also do a lot of learning without technology and the internet. Having our blog allows us the opportunity to share with all of you and to make connections with a variety of learners all over the world.
Class Blog
Our class blog highlights some of our learning for the world to see. It can easily be shared with friends and family members both near and far. In addition to sharing our learning it allows us to connect with other classes through their blogs. We are able to read and learn from them while they read and learn from us. We visit their blogs regularly, learn along side of them, and leave them comments. We hope that you will leave us
comments too.
Individual Student Blogs
Our individual student blogs are part of our digital portfolios. We are sharing our writing and other artifacts with a global audience. Mrs. Sahlin and Miss Badall approve everything that goes on our individual blogs but they doesn't correct our writing so that we have a record of our improvements over the course of the year. We also have blogging guidelines that we follow to help keep us safe on line. We hope you will check out our individual blogs and leave us comments. We love comments!
Other on-line tools we might be trying this year are a class twitter account, video conferencing, and global projects.