Several students from 3SB were recognized at today's assembly for their participation in the IREC Running Club this fall. Peyton, Matthew, Shaelynn, Kaiden and Emily have been working hard to Sharpen the Saw! Way to go!
Hello 3SB! I loved the running club. It was awesome and I loved to run! But on the hot day I was so tired I almost walked the hole way! I ran 3 km!
Way to go Matthew and congrats to all :)
Hi 3sb. Good job running club. You did a great job. You did a great job in the terry fox run. love Katum.
Dear3SB Good work runers you worked really hard. Your friend Elianna
Dear 3SB Running club was so fun ! Running club people was it fun for you? From Peyton
Dear 3SB I am proud of you running club! it is to know we have runners! great job! your friend/cousin for zander logan
Hello 3SB, Running club looks like a lot of fun! Good job Peyton, Shaelynn, Kaiden, Mathew and Emily! I wish would have joined! I hope you had a lot of fun! Your Friend, Hope
Dear 3SB Well I had a lot of fun cues. I loved it. I had a lot of fun. I am going to do it a gan next yere
Dear 3sb awesome job running club members From Haylie.b
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