On Friday, 3SB went to the Field House!!! We had so much fun there because we got to wear hard hats, Mr. Terry gave us a tour around the the Field House and took questions about the Field House. So it was pretty awesome. We got to see the blue prints for the construction. It was so fun to go around and all the stuff that was going on. Mr.Terry was soooo nice!!! I was amazed at all the cool stuff that was going on!!!! If you ever get to go to the Field House, make sure to thank Mr.Terry. Most of the building is made out of steel. The walk there was about 25 min. When we got there I saw people on the roof. Luckily they where wearing a harness, bright vests and ropes attached to the harness. There was a huge crane there that lifts things onto the roof!!! It was very loud there. 3SB had a lot of fun there!!!