Today we had a magic show assembly in the gym! Steve Harmer talked about the 7 Habits and how to become a 7 Habits Hero! We need to Help, use Encouraging words, think Respectful thoughts and think of Others.
He also did a lot of tricks. One was pouring four glasses of fruit punch and putting them on a board with the pitcher and swinging them upside down. None of it spilled! He also poured encouraging words into a cup and showed us that the words won't leak out if you think win-win!
Emily was a helper for the final trick. She chose a random superhero card and picked Superman! When Steve Harmer showed us a hidden stuffed animal, it was wearing a Superman shirt! Emily got a cool bookmark for helping out.
We had a great time at Steve Harmer's Magic Show. We will continue being 7 Habits Heros everyday!