3SB has been busy doing a web quest about Bermuda on the Chromebooks. Our student teacher, Mrs. Nisbett is from Bermuda and we were excited to learn all about this interesting country. We also got to practice our online research skills.

Students, what did you learn about Bermuda?
We are so excited to be part of the districts pilot project for 1 to 1 Chromebooks.
We have all gotten used to logging on and are getting much more comfortable with Google Apps for Education. Please stop back to see what projects we use our Chromebooks for.

Students please write in the comments your favorite use for the Chromebooks so far.

We have completed the lessons for the “7 Habits of Digital Citizenship” in class. Thank you for being so prompt in sending back the contracts and taking the time to discuss these valuable lessons with your child. It is very important for students to learn about how to be responsible online, and how to ensure that they are leaving a positive digital footprint. We will continue to discuss and practice what we have learned throughout the year.

In our class, we are will be utilizing technology such as computers, ipads and ipod touches in our daily learning. These tools offer great opportunities and motivation for our students! You should have recieved information and contracts for your child to bring their own devices to school to use as learning tools and a contract for your child to have their own WolfApps email. This allows the students to share projects with me, comment on our blog, create their own blog as a portfolio of their learning and to practice digital citizenship. 

If you would like any more information about digital citizenship please see our school webpage ahttp://www.irec.wolfcreek.ab.ca/Digital_Citizenship .